Friday, April 23, 2010

things to do when I graduate college.

1)Hang out with my husband. I miss him. For the last two years, since I joined the restaurant business our schedules have been backwards. The restaurant business was good to me though, it allowed me to take classes during the day, earn money fast when I was serving, and realize I love being around people. The truth of the matter is that I miss hanging out with the man I married and I look forward to more time to spend with him.

2)Clean my house. I really do enjoy living in a tidy home, I would love for it to be perfectly clean but really I like a home that looks lived in. Since my time restraints lately and the fact that when I arrive home I am often exhausted or just need a drink, I don't tend to keep the house in very good shape as of lately. (or anytime really) I look forward to cleaning as I go instead of when it unbearable.

3)Gardening. I love to grow things, just so happens I am terrible at it but last year I grew some great veggies on my deck in pots. I got my act together this spring just long enough to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, strawberries, green beans, onions, bell peppers and a few others. I look forward to waking up in the morning and taking care of my baby plants until late summer when they begin to take care of me.

4)Read books. not for class. just books I like. I miss reading things that I enjoy just for me. I also miss the community of sharing books I love with others and getting books referred to me. I love to write my name in the front of every book I read and then pass it on. Someday if we ever settle down again (probably much later in life in the highlands) I would love to have a library but I hope to travel abundantly in the next chapter of my life and I don't want to move my books with me, only choice ones.

5)Take more pictures. This I sort of do now, but more to document our lives not just for the pure joy of it. I aspire to take photographs that show life exuded and the most epic moments savored. and to get paid for it. I want to learn how to use my camera more, how to give people direction to in turn photograph them well.

6)Make dinner. and lunch. and breakfast. I have been to busy to cook, and I miss preparing food for the man I love and sitting down with him to enjoy it, rather its good or not. I love that even when I try something new and its terrible Beejay will always eat and pretend like he likes it

1 comment:

Sarah :) said...

can I just say a big AMEN!!! to all of those things? and congrats on almost being done, btw. I wanted to come to your SIP exhibit, but it had been a very long day and the baby was not up for it....